Thursday, April 30, 2009
Class Commitee in a Mess!Ohwell, suggested to Mdm Nazeera today that a few people were not suitable for respective posts with filzah, and janine. We were doing our work, and then started talking about chairperson, waikian and stuffs. And then mdm nazeera came over, so we discussed with her. Saying that waikian wasn't fit to be chairperson because he never hands in homework. So she changed the whole commitee and then it will be applied only next semester. Haha. But at least its better. Gor rid of the english rep post. Oh Great! Haha. Got a new one instead. Which, I didn't really like. But... forget it. Haha., regretted telling teacher about all these, now im stuck with that post, and wrong people take up the wrong post. Argh! Such a mess we've made! Oh well!
The new class commitee:
Chan Liqi-Vice chairperson
Joel Ang-Secretary
Chermaine-CIP manager. (WTH!)
Filzah-Art Rep :P
Janine-English Rep
Maple-Math Rep
*The rest I forgot. Haha.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Where is it?!Ohgosh, I can't find it. But I'm not gonna disclose what is IT. But IT is very important. And I have to find IT by tomorrow. Sigh. Nehhmind... Woke up super late today. But still managed to make it to school in time-don't I always? Haha, okay, so had normal lessons. Mr Salam took over again. Isn't there any other art relief teachers in this freaking school?! No?! Oh well, I don't like him, so sarcastic. But I don't like MdmTeo either. Haha. I've gone mad-from boredom. By the time it was science period, it was already raining. Damn cool, heh, got wind and stuffs. Assembly was alright, watched the dance thing. Don't really understand anyway. Just enjoy it. Haha, at least I didn't fall asleep(: I'm so tired I could fall asleep now. Like. right now. But nah, the bed's better. Bye(:
Friday, April 24, 2009
ENG/CHINESE COMPOHmmm, quite alright. It wasn't that difficult. Because I chose the easier topic. Haha. But for chinese I wrote less than 300 words, mainly cos I forgot to bring my dictionary and my knowledge of chinese characters are somehow limited. So, I decided not to take the risk and wrote little instead. As for english letter writing, I would not say it's perfect. Beacuse I think I did miss out some points though. I think I made it out to be very demanding. Gosh, low marks. Okay, so everything was alright. Except the fact that there wasn't a fan at my row, which I mentioned in my previous post. And I was perspiring profusely! Even went I was asleep on the table. My forehead was wet! Sigh, should bring a portable fan next time. Those that can stand. Heh. Anyhow, started the first session for tuition. This tutor was called Dave. And it was located at Simei. Far. And his house was pretty big. Three rooms for tutoring. He was quite funny too. Haha. And his friend, or wife, or don't know what, was some lady from china. And she was fierce. She teaches chinese and she scold so loud, I could hear it from the other room. Haha. Feel sorry for the boy she's teaching. So after around 2 hours, cabbed home with sister. At least I got a hang of algebraic factorisation. Realised how bad my foundation is. Haha, ok. Bye(:
Thursday, April 23, 2009
EXAM PERIOD.Haha, Yes! MYE. Alright, I was almost late for school today, cos my brother takes like, a million years to tie his shoelaces. He has that attitude, that I don't like at all. Oh, brothers. The seating arrangement was changed. To the old, serial number sequence. BORING. And there isn't a fan at my row. Its really, really, warm. Sigh, I spent the geography lesson fanning myself with me hand-made fan. Cool right? Anyhow, Home econs test was easy. Maybe cos I did the last minute studying before it started. And I forgot to bring the coursework again. SOOO...
Mdm JULIANA: Chermaine, where's your coursework?
ME: Erm... I don't have.
Mdm JULIANA: HUH?????!!!!!
ME: Oh, as in, have but at home.
Mdm JULIANA: Oh... Yeah thats the right answer.(TURNS AROUND)...(TURNSA BACK AND BANGS TABLE) WHY NEVER BRING?! (then she laugh)
Haha, she scared me know? Like suddenly. Anyway.... Literature. Had the essay test. Studied quite alot. Wrote alot too. But beacuse of where I was sitting, I perspired alot too. Haha, then after that geog, and blah. Bye(:
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I LOVE CATS&DOGS. But I'm allergic to them. WTH.Sigh, that is definitely something I regret. Anyhow, assembled near the foyer this morning because they were announcing the results. Wasn't that important, was it? And then like funny only, sit down there just to stand up and then sit down again. Haha, waste time. And then Fiona and Amanda said that my fringe was center-parting. Wth, its side parting la. Then waited until assembly was finally over. Went for PE. Then played the usual, FLOORBALL! Haha, damn fun. Our team won 7-4, Haha, I'm talking like its some national competition. Okay, it's not. So after that, expectedly, my legs are as weak as ever. And I was perspiring like don't know how many buckets already. Then I went back for History lesson. And like FINALLY! Miss Siti is getting to the Japanese invasion of Singapore. I think the British at that time, didn't really use their brains. And that caused the torture our ancestors(?) went through during the war. Then she told us about how the Japanese tortured the Prisoners-Of-War(POWs). All the water treatment, electric shocks and stuffs. Bayonet training on HUMANS, chopping off the head and put it out for display. And not forgetting, they mocked our religions, by tying up the prisoners to a cross and WHIPPED them until they revealed information. But of course, 上一代的仇不要迁设到下一代. Okay, my chinese sucks. I think at I got at least 2 words wrong. So, anyhow, I was still curious on why the US wanted JAPAN to pull out of the war between Indo-China/China(?). As in, what has it got to do with them? I wanted to ask teacher, but I forgot. Haha. Okay, I'm lazy to type out what happened the rest of the day. Bye.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I left something in class.And I realised it only when I was halfway home. Haha, wth. So anyway, today was normal, but especially boring. ART, saw all the sculptures, cute la. Haha. And I have totally no idea when is our NAPFA test. Maybe its tomorrow. But anyhow, found out alot of things from WEICHANG and SEAN. Hmmm, many problems arose when he was sick. But I think he did nothing wrong. Maybe it was her. Ok, I shall not disclose anymore. Privacy yo. So after that went back for english. Teacher wasn't here. AGAIN. And Chinese is always on 4th floor. Why can't we go to either computer lab or AVA room? Or maybe ITR? Haha, nonsense. So some lady came to check on our lessons for science. Her name's mrs chan I think. Miss Neo said she was the future principal, but don't know of which school. Maybe ours. Haha, the assembly had free period. Was practically just talking. And I saw the guys carrying QK. Like holding his hands and legs. And Hongtao go unzip his pants. WTH right? Then Jeremy took out his socks and shoes and threw it out of class, I think. After that I think I saw lukman jumping from the top of the table and then hitting QK's stomach. Sigh, guys. After that, we dismissed ourselves. Haha. Ok, Bye.
Monday, April 20, 2009
This week will be BORING.Haha, it will be. Ok, I'm starting to get the hang of history. And until this lesson, Adolf Hitler comes into the picture. Haha, I'm still wondering what happened before that. Yeah, weird. I've decided to talk to her about our friendship problems. Tomorrow, maybe. Sigh, hope she understands. I'm currently super bored but tired. And I just dun want to sleep. Nah, forget it. I'll just browse through MSN and randomly pick people to chat with. Pathetic, right?
VANESSA+FAT+ASS=VANESSA FAT ASS. And she takes up 10 chairs! (:
Friday, April 17, 2009

Today, is the last day for our seniors. Those who were with us throughout. We'll always remember what you taught us, every single advice. Although we were frustrated with all the majors' naggings, but still, at the end of the day we knew we didn't mean it. Thanks for all the time you spent with us patiently. We'll miss you!
I didn't expect this rank. And I think I don't really deserve it. (Lance coporal)?
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I am irrtated, but there isn't really anyone I could talk to.Hmmm, never really thought that such a thing would happen. But I hope it wouldn't again. Anyhow, band was quite alright. Accept that it was a tad bit boring. Like a little bit. And I didn't want to play ABBA , I waned Hands across the Sea. But nevermind, just play. And I always got lost. By the way, I don't think my face shape is round. Miss Neo says I inherited my round face from either my dad, or my mum.
Sigh, I'm not ready for tomorrow's practical manzxzx. I just got the ingredients like an hour ago, and I haven't even practiced yet. Haha, I hope tomorrow, my end product will at least be edible.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I THINK 2E2 IS GETTING WORSE.Well, the above heading simply means that our class suck. I mean like, the guys are always forming groups behind us, and making so much noise, and they think that the class has no one. And the girls, some shouting like nobody's business. And eversince they joined our class, its been like falling apart alr. I'd rather they not join. I was just walking back from chinese class wanting to go into the room, and the bird-brain guys locked us out. Who do they think they are to lock us out? The room don't belong to them. And I really got frustrated with lukman. He's attitude is really, really bad. Sigh, I will not care about these people, because all I need to concentrate on now is study. Yes, I should. Oh and, you said you didn't like people who talk bad about people on their blogs but never write name right? Fine.
Joanne, I didn't think you were such a person. Sigh.
And derrine, get over it. Its been one year. Don't you think you're childish?
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I feel like sleeping, but I don't want to. Wth.
Alright, that was weird. Yeah whatever. So today, went for service. Had the drama thing, cos it was easter. It was great fun and I enjoyed it. Can't believe I actually, ok nevermind. So after everything went for lunch with the rest. Haha, weixian looks so NOOB(: Sigh, I'm superrrrrr bored. Ok so the picture up there is the drawing done yesterday. I look noob. But so does my sis. HAHA.(:
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Knowing, If such things happened to our earth, will we all perish?Well, the above question is worth pondering about . Its just like, the current situation is already that bad, what if something worse happened? And people are just not helping, but contributing more to global warming. I know what I'm saying now is totally senseless. And not to mention I am one of the people. Its as if, ok example, our geography teacher always tells us to stop global warming, save our earth and blahblahblah. We treat it as some nonsensical joke she's telling, and we don't do anything about it. But, I was really enlightened today, like really. So I started thinking. There are so many things that could happen to us. We may, or may not be able to stop it. It just depends. Plane crashes, subway accidents, droughts, acid rains, any other natural disasters. Or even heatwaves from the sun. Maybe its rarely it happens in Singapore, and only like in other countries, mostly America. But there are always possibilities, and we can't afford to risk it. And its really weird for someone like me to blog abut something like that. Cos I know I do alot of things, that contributes to global warming. But I just want to let others know. Alright, I shoud really stop scaring myself.
Ok yeah, woke up at 9 today. My dad came back from Vietnam so we went out. To eat lunch, that was supposedly breakfast, I'd rather not talk about it. So we went to anchor point. Ate and then walked around. Then me and my sis went to some artist for him to draw a portrait of us. I'm too lazy to upload the picture now, maybe later. But I can describe, I look NOOB(: Right, whatever. I really lazyyyyyyyyyy to type the rest of the day out. super tired. Anyways, went to watch the mivie "Knowing" . Damn cool.(: Byeee!
Just heard from my sis about some thing called "dopple ganger". Its said that ppl believe that these things look exactly the same as you, but in a sort of different form, I dunno what. And they say that if you happen to see them, or your friend's, you will die soon after. Its a sort of legend or something. And it was also rumoured that Queen Elizabeth died because she saw her own "dopple ganger" . And another poet saw his own, and died shortly after. Haha, not sure whether its true or not, but it sure sounds scary. Heh(:
Friday, April 10, 2009
I spent today watching TV.Wow, amazing right? Haha, actually we planned to go out to watch a movie. So I went to check the website. And apparently, there wasn't anything nice. Even if there was, it was all NC 16. Like wth. Like example, fast and furious 4, I seriously don't think i will enjoy such a movie, ad it seems to be the highlight for today/week or something. And so we wanted to book the tickets to watch "confessions of a shopaholic" . My sister said it was funny and stuff. But then again, decided not to. Soooo, we wanted to try "the shinjuku incident" but... it was NC 16. Grr, I hate rated movies. They discriminate on us youngsters! Agecist! OK wth. Then we saw "Knowing" . So I told my sister about it. She said "nah, I thought you don't like to watch horror movies?" I alr said I was Okay with it, she just didn't want to. Fine, whatever. So, didn't go out in the end. Instead of watching on the BIG screen, we watch on small screen. Quite cool, cos it was ALL repeats. Not a bad way to spend the public holiday though. And I thought of asking dor if I could go, but it was sort of a last minute thing, so did not in the end. And bottomline is... I practically watched a whole day's worth of TV(:
Oh, and im bored. Like super duper boreddddddd. Wth.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
THIS WHOLE THING WILL BE OVER SOON. AND IT ALL STARTED WITH....Ok, so yeah. The heading means that yesterday's post, I should forget about it. Like how they say, maybe we've gone too far, but to me, I still have that 1% doubt about why she said that. It just bothers me and I dun think I will rest until I get the answer. It isn't so easy to forget. I can see that the others are still talking about it. But I know I'll have to stop. Because I shouldn't do such things. Maybe listening is okay, but adding on is not right. And of course, I shouldn't put the blame on everyone else for leading me on to join in, I should blame myself, beacuse its my own thinking. I can tell what's right, and wrong. And that joining in is wrong, and I shouldn't do it. So yeah, I'll just stop. Although it still bothers me alot, but as Joanne said, she wants to clear all doubts before she leaves, but can she clear mine? Maybe, maybe not. So it feels like I have a thorn in my heart, and its really really, troubling. But, whatever. Its all over after today's talk with Joanne. Delia, we dun mind who you are, just live your life as it is. (: So, everyone was moody after the whole thing. And I, being the lame person I am, told lame jokes. But they laughed! So yeah, I managed to cheer them up. Cool. Ok, the rest of the day is confidential. Or maybe cos I'm lazy to type more. Haha, bye.
Vege fast is over! I want to eat meat. And its on sunday man, dor! haha.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I WISH I HAD THE ABILITY TO READ YOUR MIND.But no I don't. That's too bad though. Whatever. OK so, woke up quite late today. I think lessons were fine. And for chinese, at least I did my work. History wasn't that bad. But i wanted to know more about how world war 2 came about and what did hitler do, where he'd go? All these stuff, maybe I have to go online and check. Hmmm, so after school, went for science test, and then band. We had a buffet, quite a big spread. But I did not eat, as I apparently had lunch before that, which explains why. Played awhile with our sec 2 batch, but then felt abit bored, and I dun have the scores to the junior band pieces. So yeah, went back to band room. Wenyi, Janine, Sharlene, Enru and I played "My heart will go on" for a little while. But had to pack up shortly after that. Haha, stole lukman's shoe and passed it here and there. But in the end, he got it back. And instead, we took his file. It was fun playing with those guys. And I really can't take it when mdm rosina keeps standing there and talk, she's not helping but making things worse. It was the first time I shouted at her, today. Because she has been asking the same question all over again, when I already said "yes". I mean, what's wrong with her man? Which letter of "Y-E-S" doesn't she understand? Forget it, Im getting too worked up. OK, so after band went to buy bubbletea with the band members. Thanks to Lukman for the treat. And we gossiped about alot, alot of things/people. Some we got really angry with, and all secrets came pouring out. The sec 2s should really get together and talk like this sometimes, it helps bonding. Haha, ok, walked home with michelle and melissa. Reached home, I was dead tired. Felt like sleeping straightaway. But no, i didn't. (: Bye.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
I think I'm getting broke.Haha, yeah true. I was late for service. Again. Actually I woke up at 8.01. But then I was really too tired so I went back to sleep and woke up at 8.36. Faster got out of bed and then shower. Really rushed. Faster went out. Train to expo then meet dor. Service was fun(: Then after that went to have lunch with the rest. Then I thought, aren't you guys on vege fast too? Cos I see that they were eating chicken and all. Oh, they forgot. Haha, weird. So trained back to tanah merah with dor and the rest. Parted, then went back to pasir ris. Very tired. And bus 358 took like ages to arrive. Waited super super long.... ok, then reached home. Played pet society. Hard to earn back all my money. And levelling up takes up alot of time too. Troublesome. I wonder how those ppl can spend so much time levelling up. Then played HABBO with brother and sis. Like in the same house, but talk on comp. -.- I think its more fun that way la. HAHA. Ate my favourite HOKKIEN MEE. Anyway, since we OFFICIALLY starting our vege fast TOMORROW, right dor? HAHA. Managed to complete my homework know? Great achievement! Gosh, Im so proud of myself. =D HAHA ok, enough with my crap. Bye!
Friday, April 3, 2009
SPORTS DAYWoke up at 6.38 today. Actually it was 5.50, then i turned off my alarm and went back to sleep. Woke up again at 6.10. The went back to sleep. And then woke up again at 6.27. Too tired, went back to sleep. In the end, woke up at 6.38. HAHA. ok, quite long-winded. So finally got myself out of bed. Went to school. I don't know why, but our whole class seems to know we got silver. They got their sources! xD OK nvm, im being random. Literature. Enjoyed the story. Had i think 25 mins or so free period to revise. But i slept instead. Miss tok asked if I was OK. HAHA. Home econs. Didn't print out the design brief cos my printer no ink. And it was until last night, my dad bought a new printer. And it was so late alr, just came back from SYF, very tired. So went back to sleep. HAHA. In the end, didn't print the project. School was as usual today. PW enjoyed air-con only. HAHA. Read the yearbook for 98', 99' and 2000. After school went to foyer to look for Mandy. PLanned to go to sports day with her. But in the end, to tired. So didn't go. Walked home with Vanessa. Bought bubbletea. Chatted along the way. Reached home around 1 plus. OK, Bye.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Well, today had been a quite emotional day for me, for us. I kept thinking about SYF during classes, and when we were rehearsing at the hall, I felt really nervous. And it was time to board the bus. Time really flies. Off we went, to SCH. And when we reached our destination, I felt reluctant to get down the bus. Thinking that its time for our band to show the judges what we can do. My hands were pespiring profusely, trembling a little. Slowly, I managed to calm down a little. Blowed warm air continously. Just a very short wait(to me), and we're supposed to go to the tuning room already. I was so afraid I would not be able to tune in time. Because its quite hard to tune in air-conditioned room. I almost broke down. I couldn't get it. It was either very flat, very sharp, a little bit flat, or a little bit sharp. So fast, we're on our way up to the hall. I waited there, nervously, I may add. *AHEM! was our turn. Walked in slowly. My flute almost slipping out of my hands already. But still I knew that I had to show them that I was confident, like many said, they can judge if a band is good or not by looking at the way they walk, etc... I felt that the chairs were arranged too close. Not used to it. In school it was so far. But anyway, when it started, well, some notes were not clear. I was to nervous. I thought I could memorise that certain bar, when actually, I looked up at mr de, I totally forgotten what was I supposed to play. I wonder if anyone actually noticed. Chorale, bar 38, screwed up big time manzxzxz. Like really, big time. I know no one actually heard it, thats probably why we still got our silver, but I can't pass my own obstacle. So yeah, we got SILVER and everyone was celebrating. But I had mixed feelings, half happy, half not. Maybe cos I really expected more, and that I could have done better. Nevermind, like everyone say, I'm only sec 2, there's still next next year! :D OK, so celebration's over, went back to school. Ate dinner with Joanne and Dorothy, and went home. Something really funny happened, shall not talk about it. BYE.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
SYF is just tomorrow.Hmmm, did not go to school today, went for check up. Its like an annual thing. And the worst part is, I'll have to go back again, next year, same day. Haha. So, after the checkup, went to tanjong pagar, some shopping centre, eat breakfast. All the way until 12plus. Reached home arnd 12.45. Slumped onto the sofa. Wa, damn tired. Went back to school for band at arnd 1.45. Had band practice. Some parts which i couldn't play, I'm still not satisfied with it. I have to practice. I have to. I've been telling myself that on the way home. Practiced for 2 hours since then. Time now is, 10.20. I hope I'm not disturbing the neighbours. I've tried playing into the closet alr. Worked out a little. But at this time practicing? A bit ridiculous. So I've decided to stop. But tomorrow, it will be an all different thing. I will not stop at all. Practice is all I need, and i will do it. I'm afraid I'll not be able to concentrate during lessons tomorrow, I'll be thinking too much about SYF. Though I shouldn't. FOCUS is all I need to do. I have to FOCUS on the goal I'm aiming toward, and get it. It is within reach. It is, I know. I have FAITH that WE, as a band can do it. Just one chance to show the jury, and we're done. I know we can, I hope so too. So I shouldn't be so nervous over tomorrow. That's it, OFF WE GO. =D
Dorothy, I know you believe that I can do it, so does everyone else. But I myself, simply don have the confidence. I'm sorry for today. But I couldn't play that part, I was frustrated, stressed up, and I feel that I'm pulling you guys down. I'm so afraid that because of me, the band will fall. I feel that I'm such a big burden to our section. And I can't stop thinking about it. Up till now, you've been telling me to say ''I CAN'' Its just a four letter word so why can't I say it? But to me, It seems like a 123456789 long word and a !@#$%^&*)(*&^%$#@! unreadable word. Its just so hard to say it. But tomorrow, I will display it. Now, I know I can.