Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Its just the day after tomorrow. And I'm stressed.Gosh, I can't believe its just the day after tomorrow. Its just like yesterday we were told when is our SYF and *POOF! Its here. It feels like a weird dream. And apparently, I just woke up from it. Hmmm, band practice was alright. Felt really energetic. But later on into it, I started to feel real tired. Pespiring alot. But i bet, it will be worth it(: So , today the band performed in front of the upper sec students. I felt a bit nervous, to be honest. I played wrong for some parts, namely bar 38(chorale) and letter E and pickup to 80 for overture. I can't remember the notes. And i have to. I should, I must and I will. I just pray and hope that I can make it before this thursday. I keep thinking to myself, SYF is this thursday, and i get really excited and nervous about it. And my tuning. Crap, I can't get it right. Always! I know I mentioned it in the previous post, but it's really getting on my nerves. I wonder when I'll really get pissed off and do something. Really bad. I hope I won't. I know, they are getting frustrated with me, but I don't want that to keep on repeating, its not like I did it on purpose. Whatever, I'll let it be that way. Sigh, I'll have to keep reminding myself its this thursday, then its over. I should really stop talking about SYF. Its getting tiring, and sometimes, I get worked up over it. Bye.
Monday, March 30, 2009
ITS 2 DAYS TO SYF. (NOT COUNTING TODAY)Hmmm, its such a long day today. Some lessons were fun, some were... well. OK, so yeah, classes were alright. Band after school was at least better than before. It should be, anyway. Syf is just like 2 days away. And i bet everyone's stressing and talking about it, reminding each other how important it is, how prepared we should be. I know, but I will try to practice even harder than before, show everyone what LYSB is made of. SILVER? Haha, OK so I mentioned that band was OK? I did. A number of new instruments came today. The horn, trumpet, and flute/piccolo. It looked soooo new, but of course, it IS new. Oh yeah, I was spending half of my school day telling people jokes about ''yo mama'' . I was the one telling it, and yet I laughed so hard myself. -.- There are alot of funny ones. I got it all from the iPHONE game,''YO MAMA'' Anyone has an iPHONE, can try to download the game into your phone and play. Haha. Yeah, so back to band. We practiced Overture and Chorale a number of times. Frustrated with the tuning. I was asking myself, whats so difficult in tuning, that even like a thousand times, I still can't get it. What's wrong with me? Well, on that day we only have 9 mins to tune, hope i can make it. =D Sigh, I'm so tired, as I said, its been a long day. So bye!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Come on filzah, you can always tell me. =DAlright, today was really tiring, considering the fact that we were in our band uniforms from 12 to 4. If anybody actually noticed the weather? It was blazing hot! Gosh, seriously, what is all this trouble for? Forget it, I'll understand that it's actually 5 days to SYF. Which probably means 144 hours, according to FARAH. Including today. Well, had to pin up hair and stuff. I think I can do it on that day, but not today please? Nope, it didn't work. Had to wax my hair. Hate it. Dor helped me to tie my hair. *AHEM! Not nice ar! Anyhow tie. xD HAHA, okok, it wasn't THAT bad. She praising herself for it. Oh, and i brought a HELIUM balloon to band today. It doesn't really mean its my birthday. Anyway, thanks, dor for the teddy bear. Love it. =D Woodwinds combined sectionals sucked. Was pespiring like don't know how many buckets alr. Although not visible. I was. Hmmm, I think I dislike the conductor who was conducting us. Well, on second thoughts, I do. I was literally chatting, playing, joking and laughing with the rest while he was teaching the clarinets and saxophones. He even said that he tends to listen to things he can't hear, rather than things he could hear. Yeah right! Dumbass. I made a mistake and he didn't realise it. BLEH! Whatever. Big deal! Combined full band after that. At least it was better. I liked the serenity when we rehearsed for SYF. The atmosphere getting better. Right into the mood. NICE. We were dismissed quite late then expected time. Falling in and packing up took up most of it. Went for dinner with Filzah, Michelle, Ryan, Lukman, Melissa and Janine. Talked about anything under the sky and above the ground. Cool. Learned secrets about each other, some which were made up and not really true. Ahem ahem! Well, went home after that. Excited for tomorrow's service. Not sure why. =D Bye.
Friday, March 27, 2009
BEST SCHOOL DAY EVER! =DWell, the heading says it all. Today was super fun. OK, to start off, had a great literature lesson. Although abit dry for most of the students in our class, i think its still better than us reading to ourself. Miss Tok at least brings out the emotions and I can imagine the scenario. But still, I'm never taking Lit next year. Nope, although interesting, but can't say for sure next year. Nothing's set in stone. Home Econs was alright. Just did research, after which my head was throbbing. It was so complicated. Some to be in Microsoft Word, some to be written down in ink. Gosh, I hate design brief. Can't we just do the practical exam and just mark us for that. I don't mind. xD Oh well, things are like this. PW was fun. We managed to retrieve the videos from the comp successfully but not editing it. Had no time to do the editing. And we're way behind, we'll have to catch up on it next monday. Band was awfully boring. Though i know i shouldn't be thinking this way at this point of time. But I fell asleep during band, its a fact. Guess I should really catch up on my sleep. Tomorrow, hope it will not be so hot. Then I won't feel that lethargic and once again, tend to fall asleep. Oh, and thanks, Mandy for the birthday present. Really hope I'll have enough energy for tomorrow. Expecting alot of warm-ups. It's definitely a must, that i know. But just hope i can take it. And i also expect that tomorrow's warm up would be, 8counts, 16counts, breathing exercises, SBT, maybe concert band clinic. All which I don't like. But have to do it. I don't even know why I'm blabbering about warm-ups now. Sigh, something's wrong with me. And it will definitely dampen my mood even more, when i have to wear Band Uniform. Full attire. They had better set up fans all around the hall. I'll start going mad and killing people. Alright, kidding. I DISLIKE OUR CLASS TEE. BUT I LOVE 2E2. =D Bye.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
AH, HOW I HATE CAMPS.Especially this year's one. But Campfire was ownage. Enjoyed every moment of it. The place was filled with mosquitoes, i guess they had their fill already. Muddy is definitely the perfect word to describe it. And apparently, my perfectly white shoes were totally disfigured my the mud, which i really hate to the core. At that point of time, i admit, home is the best. Bathrooms were, needless to say, *AHEM!* Well, had to shower. Meals, appalling. And right at that moment, of course, homecooked food were the BEST. Didn't take part in the water activities, preventing myself from getting all dirty and wet. But still, boys are boys. Throwing mud all over, and yay, i got the ''top'' prize. -.- Sigh, why can't they just grow up. I was so angry, cos my jacket was white. Definitely don't go well with brown. And there you go, my white jacket had something extra at the side. Tea time. Had biscuits. Hmmm, not bad though. I didn't mind the extra ones. Campfire Night. Wow, excited for it, surprisingly. I went all hyper with my friends. Though, sometimes twins really shouldn't walk together. Scary seeing two of the same persons. We sang, and jumped, and not forgetting to SCREAM. Like duh, screaming is surely inevitable. My hands were sore from all the clapping and throat dry from all the screaming. I was just thinking, since its the last night, why not just shout as loud as i could and get out of the damned, condemned place the next day? Hmmm, i did though. Not sure about the rest. Next day, spent the whole morning cleaning dirty tents which couldn't be cleansed. Using the same cloth all over again, isn't it making it more dirty? Can't they just put a hose to it and wash, instead of wasting so many manpower, when we could do other things. Oh and crickets are sooo dumb. Forget it. Its randomly random. Gosh, i don't know what im uttering right now. Sigh, nevermind. OK, and the minute i boarded the bus, i told myself, ''YES!'' im going home! No more of the stupid, irritating mud, frogs, crickets, and wilderness. I'll be sleeping on my bed with air-con. And at least with a blanket to top it off. Our class was hyper on the bus. Happy to see them having fun. Although i was just at the corner being quiet, saving my energy. Well, i guess thats all. Bye.
Friday, March 13, 2009
THE DEVELOPMENT OF 2E2 CLASS TEE! =DWow, like finally we're getting one. We've been talking about it since middle of last year, but nobody took the initiative to ask teacher. But i bet last year was probably impossible cos mr nah was in charge. Ok, had Lit for first lesson. Damn sian, our class got vandalized by som stupid no-brain-''KID''. Haven't grow up yet thats why do such childish things. That he/she stole crayons and drew all over our table and chairs. Said to be that person only drew on those people's tables whom he dun like. Apparently, almost the whole class. Spent almost half of the lesson cleaning up the chairs. But i wasn't one of them. That person doesn't seem to dislike me. So, i shall consider myself lucky then(: Alright, then lessons were resumed as usual. Math, had short quiz. Should be alright, still can do. Had PW next. I was throwing airplanes on the way there. Ask ''mariah'' xD Sigh, then after school had the COL briefing. POINTLESS, TOTALLY NO BRAINER MEETING. Waited all the way till 2.30 with ''Obama'' , Asri and ''mariah'' . I was hiccuping all the way la.
Grrr, Stop hiccuping manzxzxz, chermaine.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
SIGH...I guess i just broke my promise(?)
OK nevermind. So went to windworks today with sean, weixian and ''mariah'' today. But before that had to go take instruments. Then asked sean if it was at Kembangan. He said ''no, its at Aljunied" Wa, like anyhow whack only. I thought Kembangan lo. That's why i took the trouble to go. But nevermind. Not much difference anyway. So yeah, reached around 3.15(estimated) But during the train ride was talking about PAO if he was going to NAFA. And when the train stopped at SIMEI, I saw him and Shuyi walking in. HAHA, Speak Of The Devil. But the scary part was when, we went into the room, the guy started scolding alr. I was like OMG! So fierce. Weixian scared go in cos he dun want to punch him. -.- If he go in i bet he won't. Cos got us ma. OK so anyways, Sean and weixian pangseh us lo. Ownself go NAFA. But nevermind. We know how to go back. Sighh, so reached home around 4++ or maybe going to 5. Not sure myself. Practiced my flute awhile, then fell asleep, till 7. HAHAHA, weird right? Sian, can't get hold of the paper! AHHH, I HATE JOURNAL WRITING! Im in a totally bad mood right now. ):
I'm full of gossips today! =D
Like ''____'' and "__________" ! HAHAHAHA. CAUGHT YOU GUYS LA! xD
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
BAND IS SOOOO TIRING...Argh, so damn tired during band. Almost fell asleep playing ''PARTY ROCK!'' . Could just fall off my chair and lie on the floor and drift into dreamland. HAHAHA, damn boring alr. Had to close files and play. Chorale I'm alright. But Overture... Nah... Can't memorise. Only the first few parts. Packed up quite early(?). But falling in took up most of our time. Irritating. I was standing there like some blockhead waiting for them to dismiss us. So many flies. I just wish they would all drop dead. How i hate insects. Finally we were dismissed. Didn't bring back instrument. Quite lazy ah. Tml then i go take. =D Hmmm, so we waited for Joanne. She took so long, cos she was punishing the juniors. Sadist. xD OK anyways, walked to central together. Took her bag and ran off. Then me and ''MARIAH'' threw her bag into the bushes. HAHA, then she came up after talking to her friends.
JOANNE: Excuse me, where's my bag?
She couldn't find it! HAHA, BLIND. Hudah was laughing cos she could see it. AND finally she found it. YAY. So she pangseh-ed us and went to find dor at 359 bus stop. HURR! Si Joanne, some kind of sec4 senior! =D Ok then after that went home. BYE!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

OK, almost late for school today. I was walking towards the gate when i saw mr nasir half closing the gate, and i saw poeple running then i follow run also. =D Luckily just in time. First lesson. Art... Drew some flower in a vase. Then had to colour. But it's damn ugly. And that Mdm Teo, she sign on my paper one time alr, she walk one round, come to my other side, then she forgot she signed alr she go sign another side. -.- She STM ar. Old ma. Heh. OK anyways, had math after that. RECESS. And, the rest of the lessons. Then assembly, had some drama about RACISM i think. Trying to discourage racism. BUT! Its no use. Haha. After that sec 2s stay in hall for camp briefing. I wasn't really paying attention, cos it was like soooooo warm in the hall could die of stroke manzxzxz. Then faster went down eat then go up for MT oral with ''MARIAH'' xD Was waiting inside the classroom with LiQi, Christel, Derrine, Peixuan, Esther. So talk talk talk during the wait. But the guys from 2e1 were very fast, and that made me more nervous. I was like doodling on the board. And finally my turn. I read the passage. OMG! So many words cannot read, DIE! Then i heard miss yeo talk so loudly, then i remembered the word. Hahaha, can read alr. =D But conversation was sucky la. I didn't know how to say Public Place in Chinese. Then i stammered, stopped for awhile. OHGOSH! And finally after the whole thing, went home(:
OK, almost late for school today. I was walking towards the gate when i saw mr nasir half closing the gate, and i saw poeple running then i follow run also. =D Luckily just in time. First lesson. Art... Drew some flower in a vase. Then had to colour. But it's damn ugly. And that Mdm Teo, she sign on my paper one time alr, she walk one round, come to my other side, then she forgot she signed alr she go sign another side. -.- She STM ar. Old ma. Heh. OK anyways, had math after that. RECESS. And, the rest of the lessons. Then assembly, had some drama about RACISM i think. Trying to discourage racism. BUT! Its no use. Haha. After that sec 2s stay in hall for camp briefing. I wasn't really paying attention, cos it was like soooooo warm in the hall could die of stroke manzxzxz. Then faster went down eat then go up for MT oral with ''MARIAH'' xD Was waiting inside the classroom with LiQi, Christel, Derrine, Peixuan, Esther. So talk talk talk during the wait. But the guys from 2e1 were very fast, and that made me more nervous. I was like doodling on the board. And finally my turn. I read the passage. OMG! So many words cannot read, DIE! Then i heard miss yeo talk so loudly, then i remembered the word. Hahaha, can read alr. =D But conversation was sucky la. I didn't know how to say Public Place in Chinese. Then i stammered, stopped for awhile. OHGOSH! And finally after the whole thing, went home(:
Monday, March 9, 2009
Warehouses's warehouse sale.Hmmmm, today's heading. =D OK maybe i should start with yesterday.
Alright i went to Vivo with sister and mom. She had to buy her dress for awards night. So we started with...erm...i forgot where. OK, but at least i know we went to WAREHOUSE after that. And i heard my sis friend say, ''warehouse got sale!'' and i was like, huh? ''WAREHOUSE'S WAREHOUSE SALE?!'' Haha, ok it may not seem funny to many others but my sister was laughing. =D Then we joked around. After that went to PULL AND BEAR. All casual. Nothing much for the occasion. So went to G2000, more or less the same. Then go to River Island. And then ZARA i think. She tried on a few, but none she liked. (For some reasons) And we went to many others some which i cant remember. But i remember we went to FOREVER 21. Stayed there quite long. Cos they try alot. I was waiting. Lol, OK, then went to NICHII. I kept joking with my sis. Cos we saw a blue dress. The bottom part was those like, erm, i dunno how say, but it would look nice when the person wearing it spins. So i asked her to buy it.
And it goes like this:
Me: Eh jie! Buy this la! Then when you spin damn nice!
Sister: No! Why would i want to spin during AWARDS NIGHT? What? Eating halfway then spin?
Me: Lol! No, imagine when people talking to you halfway then you suddenly spin.
And... we started laughing. I had stomachache. =D
Ok, then go burger king to eat. And HOME! =D
Miss Tok's Birthday! Hmmm, MT, Huang laoshi is back! Aww, there goes our fun! )=
First lesson she back, I was late for recess. -.- But nvm, I was in a good mood today. Had Geog, sang birthday song for miss tok. I didn't know she was so young till today. Anyways, Lessons were fine. Math, HOD came our class. Haha, the sums were easy. So happy i actually solved it myself! =D Alright, then after school had oral exam. Quite OK, I could at least ensure myself I would pass. Went home after that. =)
Friday, March 6, 2009
What a long day man.Phew, i dunno why i felt soooooo out of breath during band today. Didn't even have the strength to lift up my flute. Damn tired. Maybe cos... erm, i dunno. -.- OK, so felt superrrrrr tired during warm ups. Couldn't even hold up straight for too long. I dunno what's wrong with me la, maybe im just out-of-energy. So yeah, kind of felt sad for awhile. But was quite alright later on. Had woodwind sectionals. Felt tired again. Didn't really feel like playing, cos we're practically playing the same part all over again. And i was sick and tired of the same parts. VERY. OK, then packed up around 5 i think. We were like being chased down to the foyer. But everybody seemed to be deaf, including me. =D Alright, so went down. Same old DRILLS. My legs were giving way alr. Really tired, and had to bear with it. Walked to central. Joked around with Joanne on the way. OH, and they almost found out my birthday. Till now, only ''ahem*'' and ''ahem*'' knows. =D Just hope they wont spread. Because, its very near. They will never know. heh heh. =D
Thursday, March 5, 2009
HELLO!It was quite fun today. Lessons weren't as boring.
Haha, especially HOMEEC. Damn cool. Got one video.
From YOUTUBE about microbes. The songs were funny.
Got back Lit and Geog overall. PASSED. Yay. =D
OK, i guess today's post will be short.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
PHEW, SLEEPY...OK, I shall blog about yesterday.
Went for band around 7.30.
Thats when i left the house.
So i probably reached around 7.45++.
But the school gate wasn't OPEN!
So waited.
But it was not that long before it opened.
Fall-ed in.
Had to do drills.
Damn tired.
Wa, cannot.
But luckily the hall open.
Then can go set up early.
No tutor for FLUTE.
Too bad...
Then band was over.
Practiced so hard.
Maybe not really la.
Then went for lunch with band members.
OK, then went home.
Showered and went out with family.
Sang so many songs.
Especially my dad.
Haha, and damn cold too...
Then buy dinner and went home.
Woke up around 8.
Went to LOYANG POINT around 8.50.
Eat breakfast.
Was running late,
Reached HALL 1 at 9.30.
But dor was later(:
Service was fun.
Learnt many new things.
I enjoyed it.
Then took mrt to TIONG BAHRU.
Meet family.
And went for cousin's ONE YEAR OLD birthday!
Super cute! But she was sleepy today.
HAHA. Ate alot there.
FULL! Then went home.
NAPPED for dunno how long.
Oh and internet's going to be cut off from 5th march.
SAD... No more MSN and BLOGGING.
No more channels other than.......
So not impressed.
Will be super bored...