Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Today was boring.
Just a typical school day.
Hahaha, had art test.
Relatively EASY(:
Should be able to score.
Math, did normal sums.
And recess.
Had english next.
And by that i mean Mdm nazeera not back yet ):
OK, the rest of the lessons normal.
Had assembly.
Very warm in the HALL.
Of course, Loyang what. xD
Alright, had a talk on the overseas trip thing.
Then went to find miss aishah.
Then went to find miss aishah.
Today had choir.
So can self practice.(:
Then me, Lukman and ''MARIAH'' went library.
Rented lockers.
Cos they dun allow our bags to be out outside.
And dun allow us to bring in also. -.-
Lol, so had to rent lockers.
Sad, then put bag inside.
Waited till 2.30+.
Then go music room.
Miss aishah opened store room for us.
Set up instruments,
and went to classroom.
Started practising.
Chorale chorale chorale.....
Alright,then Hakim joined,
Then we went down eat.
Came back, and asri came.
Then Ryan. And Haziq.
And Danish.
Then Fadhli.
Joey, nasyitah, nadirah...
Sharlene, yvonne.
Wow, noisy.
But then all left to play tabletennis.
Then left we three and ryan again.
Played till 4++.
Then went back pack up.
Had lots of FUN today(:
Sunday, February 22, 2009
You can do it! Have more confidence! (:
And I wish you good luck in getting in for ARAFURA Games in Australia!(:
Hahaha, back from a LONG day.
Woke up at 8.10, showered.
Then went to whitesands and took mrt to tanah merah.
Almost fell asleep during the train ride.
Super tired....
Reached around 9.28.
Dor and the rest not there yet.
Waited, waited.
Then went in after they arrived.
Service was alright.
Then went to lunch with some of the people.
And went back to ws with dorothy.
Go BK study.
Concentrated for a while, but my mind slipped off to dunno where.
Then back to WORK.
Haha, dor could tell.
Then waited for her friend to arrive.
Go library.
Another guy(moses) came.
Then go KOPITIAM study. xD
Some guy angry. Scary.
Hahaha. Studied, blahblah.
Time to go home.
Dor sent me to busstop.
Waited... Talked with her awhile.
Bus came, Go home!(:
Hahaha, currently bored.
And apparently, its going to stay that way. ):
I know i don't have to care about them,
Because GOD is by my side.(:
Saturday, February 21, 2009
WOW, AMAZINGLY TIRED.OK, went for band today at 7.
Damn sleepy.
Wasn't awake yet, haha.
Joanne could tell. xD
Then went to hall after set up instruments.
Waited for all the schools.
And then sectionals, which i apparently hate most.
So tired. Felt like could faint anytime.
And time passes SO SLOWLYYY.
I waited for ages before it was finally 10.15!
SLACKED all the way. Hahaha.
After sectionals went back to hall.
Time to perform.
But as usual, LOYANG sure last one.
Hahaha, finally after all the schools done.
Our turn. YAY!
Played SYF pieces.
Then had to play set piece again.
TIRED ar! Tsk!
But no choice sia.
Just play lo.
Finished around 12.30++.
Then went to send the schools off.
STUPID Lukman, call me ''TEO MEI MEI''
HAHA, i was chasing him all the way.
The take picture.
Went back to hall and packed the chairs.
Wa, tiring.
Pespire like crap.
Then finally everything was done.
Went back band room.
Clean instruments.
Bad mood ar, everyone.
I know why...
Then follow shuyi(teo) go toilet change.
Followed by dorothy(tan).
Went coffee express with band peeps.
Then walked home.
Got a treat from BRYAN(alumni)!(:
It will be over soon.(:
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
SIGHHH...Bad day i guess.
Hmmm, but i felt energetic for PE.
Cos the sport for our class was basketball!
Haha, Ok, just did some normal passing.
Then when finally over, had history.
Also boring,
Each person from each grp go up present.
I scissors.paper.stone with syahidah.
I win. Hahaha, no need go up.
After that was EL.
Relief teacher.
We went to the library.
Haha, read the HORROR stories book.
Not really nice la.
Kill time nia.
Hahaha, then had Science.
YAY, i did my work.(:
But most of it wrong. Lol...
After school went for RED house meeting.
BORING, shouldn't have went.
Then rushed down for band.
And they still doing drills.
Hahaha, shouldn't have ran.
Then go band room, BLAHBLAH.
SADDED during sectionals.
I had no idea why.
Or maybe cos i just dun wanna say.
Then went back for combine.
Packed up. then go get blazers.
So warm... and tired.
And finally the tabletennis tournament ended.
They hogged the hall for sooo long.
It's time they went off.xD
Then after that waited. and waited.
Then walked with some band members.
And went home.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
SAD.Had normal lessons today.
Damn lethargic for Mdm teo lesson.
But i understood what she was trying to say.
Then next lesson was Math.
Damn funny i kept playing with the fan.
Then they complain. Lol.
And those stupid boys go take my place.
Teacher ask me sit in front.
Then i keep shouting ''CANNOT SEE!''
Then ''Mariah Siti Fatimah'' keep laughing lol.
Crazy. Okay, then RECESS.
Then had EL.
Then relief teacher came.
Same one. Sian.
Then she talk about what ORAL thing.
Then MT. Normal.
Last lesson, science.
I DID my work. ''WOW!''
Hahaha, no la.
I PAID attention actually.
And after miss neo left, the whole class
went into CHAOS.
Cos we need to stay in class for assembly.
And there was no teachers.
Hahaha, but something happened la.
And i really think its childish.
I already know what happened.
But i think that its really immature lo.
Nehhmind, i should not be blogging about this now.
I really wished you did not exist.
What actually made you
go around telling everyone about me?
Its not funny alright?
You made them get the wrong impression,
and you're actually lying.
Acting all innocent when its YOUR fault.
You can just cry and pretend everything has
nothing to do with you.
And everyone would go all defensive,
and start scolding those that ''made'' you cry.
Like what-the-hell?
Grow up please? Its not nice to do those things.
You spread so many things,
even to my friend.
I really don't want to see you anymore.
I find you really, a hypocrite.
I'm really disgusted by your actions.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Argh, back from someplace far, i'm beat.
Okay, i woke up around 10.05 i guess.
Then rushed to E!hub as soon as i got ready.
Met weixian, ryan and bryan at bowling alley.
Bowled 1 game, then weixian and ryan left.
Shuyi and Joel then came.
Bowled another 2 games.
Hahaha, Bryan paid 50 bucks.
And got back 2++ change.
Cos weixian and ryan didn't pay when they left i think.
Then we went mac to eat.
And waited for my dad and went GIANT.
Bought alot of groceries.
Then went home.
Go swimming at OCC.
Then head to Vivo City fetch sister
And to Mount Faber Drill her ball.
And headed to Newton to eat.
Haha, the fish is damn shiok.
Then went home.
Fell asleep listening to music.
Woke up at 9.
Faster bathe then eat breakfast.
Just to realise that joanne and the rest not there yet.
Lol, then i just go whitesands first.
Waited, waited.
Then go meet joanne at MRT station.
Then go all the way to Paya Lebar.
Took bus 135 to the place.
And walked.
HOT ah!...
Then finally reached.
After the service, ate free mango sago.
Laughing, they were like funny.
Hahaha, Then go katong shopping centre eat lunch/dinner?
Hahaa, took bus 12 all the way back to Pasir Ris.
LONG.... But talking made it shorter,
Haha. Finally reached home.
Friday, February 13, 2009
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!Had normal lessons today.
Lit for first period.
Then home econs.
Had class test.
Quite alright la.
Math, PW.
Did the project on the windows movie maker thing.
But mostly is derrine do.
Cos i was rushing out the VALENTINE'S DAY cards.
Haha, Wrote then cut...
Finally finish.
Then help out with the research.
After school was BAND.
Played with joanne they all before start.
Then went up, fall in.
Go band room,
Then go back band room combine.
Played Scales with JUNIORS.
Hahaa, had to show them the fingerings.
Then i sit behind her cannot see.
Sit infront have to turn
Troublesome la.
Hahaha, but at least she remembers.
Then combined OVERTURE,
Then mr de asked who was SIAN of the piece,
and who was LOVING it more.
Honestly, i was sian. Hahaha.
Okay, have to try and LOVE it then.
After that packed up.
Got sweets!(:
Then walked home with joanne.
Bought waffle, bubbletea.
GO HOME! Tired...
DOROTHY: I Don't Like Mr Neo! Hahaha.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
HELLO!Too lazy to post nowadays.
Haha, felt lethargic today.
Had English as first lesson.
Mdm Nazeera went dunno where.
Then won't be here for three weeks i think.
Then had science.
Didn't feel sleepy sia.
Cool, i think cos i actually understood what
ms neo was talking about.
Hahaa, then recess.
Home econs. Had normal lesson.
Just theory and all.
Then last two lessons was geog and lit.
WTH, seeing same teacher.
Lol, lit was ''okay''.
Then geog, about land and noise pollution all that.
Quite OK. Then school's OVER. (:
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Went for exchange program with Coral Sec.
Hahaha, there were many schools.
Including PasirRisCrest sec.
Saw Yanteng! HAPPY!
Then after each section were playing games,
Went for sectionals.
Especially when i didn't know how to play
the scales. xD
Haha, after that went to the hall.
Each school performed their SYF pieces.
We were the last to perform.
Then after that went back to school.
Debrief, then went home.
No mood yesterday)):
Woke up quite late today.
Left house around 9.10.
Then went to take bus to Whitesands.
But 358 took sooooooooo long.
Could almost fall asleep waiting for it.
Okay, maybe i'm exaggerating.
But it WAS long.
Reached whitesands around half an hour later.
Then took MRT to tanah merah.
Changed, go EXPO.
Rushed to HALL 8.
Met dorothy there.
Hahaha, had a great time during service.
It was FUN FUN FUN!(:
Looking forward to it again next week.(:
Then after the whole thing, go back whitesands,
buy food, and bus-ed home.
Alright, that's all. BYE.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
HELLO!Went to school quite late today cos woke up late.
Lol, standard reason.
Okay, so had lessons as usual.
Just more boring only.
But home econs was fun.
Tested all the food.
Then smell all the products in the test-tube.
But the bread thing was the funniest.
Everyone all take and eat.
Then the next group not enough.
Teacher angry, but she came back with more.
Then when all finish, Lukman go stuff everything into his mouth.
Lol! I was laughing non-stop the whole lesson(?)
The next lesson was Lit, then geog.
OMG, It was like seeing the same teacher for 2 hours.
The timetable is like screwed up man.
Then had band after school.
Had to take the video for the drills thing.
It was damn tiring la.
And when im tired, i get angry.
And thus, shows attitude.
But i managed to control la.
At first i thought like quite fun la.
Then go lo.
But then actually had to hold my flute for 30mins,
or more(?) And had to press certain keys some more.
Under the hot sun???!!!!
I was like WTF?
Wasted my time for this?
And had to take over and over again.
Hate the whole drills thing.
Then i thought after the 1ST HALF of everything,
can pack up and go home.
But have to go down with instruments again.
Damn pissed off alr.
But since it was THE BAND, I just went down.
Had to memorise St pete's in 20 mins?
It was actually okay cos i played it before.
But then wasn't that sure of it.
In the end still have to rely on dorothy.
I've always been like that anyway.
Sigh... Then after everything went up,
Pack up and go home.
Now my mom is like playing mahjong.
Hahaha. Down with the FLU!
Hate it man. FLU sucks.
And not forgetting the medicine.
Sigh... Hope i can go school tml morning.
Alright, thats all for today.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
HELLO!Had lessons as usual today.
PE first lesson.
Hahaha, finally get GOLD.
15.30mins. YES.
But thanks to Alia and Derrine,
my motivators.((:
Thanks man!
Haha, but then i also feel bad la,
made Alia fall down.
She was running behind me
then suddenly fell down.
And she pull my hair from the back.
I also kena. Haha damn funny.
Then next lesson was history.
Nothing much, just did alot of writing.
Recess. EAT.
Haha lazy type the rest of the lessons.
Then after that was band.
The hall was out of bounds i think.
Cos of some table-tennis competition.
I went for math tutorial first.
Did some sums.
Till 3.30.
Then went down for band,
go for sectionals till our tutor came.
The first time i saw him i was like, OMG!
GAY! Hahaha, but he plays well la.
And dunno why for some reasons,
Only me and mandy asked to stay back.
Till 6.10?!
Wa, tired sia.
Then when both of us go back, all go home alr.
Sian. Packed up.
Then went off home.
**I really regretted telling you about my past,
now just for the fun of it, you say it to people.
Did you ever think of my feelings?
It was the PAST and i didn't want to drag it up.
But you just cant seem to keep quiet,
it was my past not yours.
So you DONT have the rights to say it or spread it.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
YESTERDAY:Woke up around 8 to help prepare for the party.
Bathed and waited till 12 plus.
Sis friends came.
Then around 2, go meet bryan they all.
Sit at coffeeshop awhile then go my house.
Then they ate lunch.
Bryan, weixian and ryan played blackjack with the rest.
Then dorothy, joel, sean and petrina sit one side.
Hahaha, watch show.
Then we played cards.
Sean left the earliest.
Then Ryan joined.
Played for awhile then weixian and bryan play mahjong,
with sis friends.
Then shuyi came.
Watch show all the way.
Weixian and joel left.
Then bryan play alone with the rest.
Hahaha then we keep watching ''Gossip girls''
Till the end of the whole series sia.
Can see they all sian alr.
Then Dorothy, shuyi and ryan left at the same time.
Bryan still played mahjong.
He left at 9.45pm.
Hahaha he won 50bucks man.
The whole thing ended at 2am.
Damn tired. Next day still need wake up early.
Woke up early at 8plus.
Didn't go for service cos had to go visiting.
Followed siblings go training.
Then around 12.30, went to visit ''ji-gu'',
which means second uncle.
His house was like damn big.
Somewhere around burghley road.
Terrace house. COOL.
Had lunch there.
Chicken rice. Hahaha.
Then sat around.
They kept offering us snacks.
But felt damn full, so didn't eat.
Then went home after awhile.
Waited for sister to bathe,
then go central.
Walk around for awhile.
Nothing to buy.
So walked home.
Then around 5, sister's friend come.
Play mahjong, again.
Hahaha, now going eat dinner.